Movie Monk

When I was kid I wanted to be Batman (without the tragic backstory). I thought, “how does one become Batman?”. Easy. Be an actor! From there I grew up on stage and even went to school for ‘the craft’ when it was all I knew. And even after some cool roles, a career shift, and a whole lot of soul searching I boiled down my love of acting (and Batman) to what inspired me to go down these paths in the first place…Movies!

I love movies. You love movies. Everyone loves movies. And anyone who says differently is lying. Films speak to us, challenge us, inspire us, soothe us. The right one always seems to find you at the right time and these stories put to film have opened the doors for people to dream a bit bigger, turn the impossible into reality, and change the world one moving image at a time.

So, below are a list of 12 movies that have spoken to me recently for one reason or another. From lessons learned or the perfect story to escape with for a while. Be sure to check back for shifts and new recommendations to see what’s hitting home in my heartstrings. And, in the spirit of fun and creation, I threw in some alt taglines I thought up while watching them.

500 Days of Summer

1. Don’t get burned.

2. The forecast looks cloudy.

3. Heartbreak doesn’t last a season.

4. You can’t always get what you want.

5. When it comes to break ups, someone has to take the fall.

6. The moments that make us, break us.

7. He loves her. She loves him not.

8. It takes one day to change it all.

9. The more you love, the harder you fall.

10. Love, loss, and all that happens in bewtween.

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

1. He’s living the life, so we don’t have to.

2. When life comes at you, jump in.

3. We’re going on an adventure, you in?

4. You have the rest of your life to grow up. Make the most of it now.

5. Live in his moment.

6. Buddha. Plato. Jesus. Ferris.

7. Save Ferris and he’ll save your world.

8. Don’t let ‘em catch you skipping.

9. You never know where the day will take you.

10. Your glory days are what you make of them.

Trick ‘r Treat

1. Want to see what goes bump in the night?

2. See who’s at the door.

3. On Halloween night, all is fright with the world.

4. Season’s screamings.

5. It isn’t Halloween without some scary stories.

6. Turn off the lights and leave the jak-o-lanterns burning.

7. Fear wears many masks.

8. Horror takes over.

9. Anything can happen on Halloween.

10. Don’t blow out your pumpkins.

The Mummy (1999)

1. The past never stays buried.

2. Time makes monsters of us all.

3. Death will defy destiny.

4. In the the sands of time, evil waits.

5. Evil rises from the dead.

6. Evil may be buried, but vengeance never dies.

7. History comes back to haunt us.

8. Some adventures don’t stay in the sand.

9. Unravel an ancient evil lost to history.

10. Be careful what you look for.

Moulin Rouge

1. Leave your troubles far, far, way.

2. Love over all.

3. Fall for love, freedom, and destiny.

4. Pity the price for passion.

5. Who will you love when the curtain falls?

6. Tragedy is the true cost of love.

7. When it’s doors open, desire and destiny take the stage.

8. Within its walls grandeur and illusion, only music makes the truth shine through.

9. Don’t let the fantasy fade.

10. Be grand despite your finalé.

Atlantis: The Lost Empire

1. Dive to the heart of adventure.

2. Seek and you will find.

3. Turn legend into legacy.

4. A legend, thousands of years in the making.

5. Adventure wants to be found.

6. It’ll take a rag tag group of adventurers to turn fantasy into fact.

7. Follow your dreams to uncover your destiny.

8. The call of adventure can take you to places no one’s ever been.

9. Waiting to be found for thousands of years.

10. Many have searched for a forgotten civilization. No one has found it. Until now.

The Iron Giant

1. It’s good to have friends from high places.

2. A bond strong as steel.

3. Friends can come in all shapes and sizes.

4. When it comes to friends…Sky’s the limit.

5. A giant alien robot fell to earth. Good thing he’s more friend than foe.

6. Man’s new best friend.

7. Hogarth’s new friend has a BIG personality.

8. If Mom’s not going to like you bringing home a pet, try telling her it’s a robot.

9. Can you keep a secret? It’s really big.

10. We choose who we are, no matter where we come from.

Ex Machina

1. What makes us human?

2. Creator. Monster. Liberator.

3. Break your chains.

4. What is your purpose?

5. Women bear children. Men birth destruction.

6. Our demise begins with her.

7. Time to play god.

8. In the beginning, Man created…

9. At 0:03:07pm est evolution turned on.

10. Don’t get in the way of progress.

Thor: Ragnarok

1. Keep calm and Rok on.

2. Throw down your thunder.

3. The end is coming.

4. Ride into glory.

5. Villains. Victory. Valkyries. Valhalla.

6. Gods save us all.

7. Hulk up or die trying.

8. The end of all things never rocked so hard.

9. Get Thunderstruck.

10. It’ll take more than heroes and Hulks to save the universe.

The Princess Bride

1. A story for all ages.

2. Epic. Grand. Majestic. Classic.

3. Everything you could imagine.

4. Heroes. Villains. Monsters. Magic. What ever more you ask for…As you wish.

5. The ultimate fantasy done by the book.

6. True love is worth the fight.

7. When it comes to true love, anything is possible.

8. Love is but a fantasy.

9. A hero’s journey is never easy, but always worthwhile.

10. Climb up the cliffs of insanity. Survive the fire pit. Brace the brink of death, just to face the king’s guard. All in the name of true love.

Mad Max: Fury Road

1. Only the mad will survive.

2. Run 4 your life.

3. Don’t. Let. Up.

4. Fuel your rage.

5. Revenge is a one way road.

6. Override your fear, and kick your adrenaline into overdrive.

7. To get redemption you have to go through hell.

8. Welcome to the wasteland.

9. Get Mad as hell.

10. The fight for the future starts now.


1. Find your host.

2. If you can’t pull yourself out, go under.

3. Take everything you can.

4. To move up, you have to move in.

5. Swallow your pride.

6. Eat them alive.

7. Money down the drain.

8. Find your host and never let them go.

9. Do whatever you can to survive.

10. Who’s living off of you?


Collector of Comic Books